Sunday 8 September
Plant, grow, swap and sow your own seeds at our beautiful Seed Library!
Established in 2021 and supported by the Edinburgh Seed Network, the library aims to create a (bio)diverse community hub for sharing skills, information and resources about seeds, as well as seeds themselves, and thrives with the support of a vibrant team of dedicated volunteers and community members.
Our current aims are to:
How to visit the Seed Library:
The library is accessible for drop in every Friday afternoon from 12 – 2 PM and on the 3rd Monday evening of each month from 6 -8 PM. (These are also the times of our community meals, so please come and join in!)
You can also visit the library during our seasonal festivals (details available on our What’s On page) as well as at our regular Seedy Socials and events, or by private hire.
For more information please visit our website What’s On section for information and details on upcoming events, or contact the team on