07572684577 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB
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Event Series Event Series: Weekly Soup Suppers

Weekly Soup Suppers

Weekly Soup Suppers

**There is no monthly community supper in Feburary.

We will continue the weekly soup suppers until the end of Feburary.

Everyone is welcome and you are very welcome to bring a dish to share if you would like to.

Monthly suppers will re-start in March. **

Join us on these increasely cooler nights on for a soup supper on Mondays 18:00-20:30.

Soup and a cosy space will be provided by the centre. Please feel free to bring any arts and crafts you are working on.

Arriving between 18:00-18:30 and tidying up by 20:30.

If you would be interested in volunteering to run these events please email volunteers@salisburycentre.org

These suppers will be on the ground floor and wheelchair accessible.

We have one accessible toliet (level floor) and all our toliets are all gender.

If you are planning to come and have any allergies please let us know in advance.

These events are funded the Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact: Coorie in for Winter Fund


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