07572684577 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB
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Event Series Event Series: Tree Sisters Grove

Tree Sisters Grove

An invitation to gather in circle with other treesisters to explore Sisterhood, feminine Nature based leadership and the care and restoration.

About this event

We warmly welcome you to the first Treesisters grove starting in Edinburgh.

Groves are Nature based local and online women’s circles taking action for the trees.

Treesisters is a global women’s network operating through feminine principles and looking to build a feeling of sisterhood. Feminine Nature Based Leadership is the quality of creativity and authority that moves through a woman when she is connected to Nature as the root of her own nature.

An invitation to all women for increased feminine leadership and recognition of the vast untapped potential of women’s gifts, wisdom, intelligence, proactivity and courage. The gifts of women are a crucial missing piece in the puzzle of what we need now in our world to bring it back into balance.

For more information email: robyntheobald27@gmail.com

To book please click here 

Suggested Donation:£5-10

Nobody will be turned away for lack of funding, yet donations allow us to ran affordable events for everyone, and to support both the facilitator and the Salisbury Centre

To donate:

Either bring cash on the day

Or Donate (using “Treesisters” as REFERENCE) via : www.salisburycentre.org/donate
Donations to the facilitators will go straight back to Treesisters excluding the cost of materials.

