07572684577 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB
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Event Series Event Series: Tarot for Wellbeing

Tea and Tarot

Join us for these meditative, creative and explorative tarot sessions. During these sessions, we do not offer traditional tarot readings or predict the future. We get together in a friendly safe space to explore our lives through the beautiful and magical cards of the Tarot. We have space to explore the cards which reflect our lives and connect with a ‘card of the month’. Sometimes we get creative with the Tarot, too.

Tarot for Wellbeing details:

When: 18:00-19:30

  • Monthly, on 2nd Thursday of each month

How to attend: Booking essential. If you would like to book your place, you can do this via Eventbrite link here

Max number of participants: 15

Donations: there is a suggested donation of £10 for these sessions, however, it is fine to pay less or not to pay if you do not have the money to pay. All are welcome. Feel free to email the facilitator, Stephen, if you have any questions about the group: stephen@naturetherapyonline.net

Room: Library

Accessibility: Library is located on the ground floor and it is fully accessible. The Salisbury Centre’s kitchen door and toilet are now wheelchair accessible. The Garden can also be accessed by wheelchairs via a movable ramp via the Art Room Annex.



What’s the Tea and Tarot about:


Join this open group to explore the many ways in which the Tarot can support our wellbeing.

Tarot has the ability to express experiences that words often fail to capture. It can also offer fresh perspectives on life and it is a wonderful tool for meditation, creativity and more.

During these sessions, we do not offer traditional tarot readings or predict the future. We get together in a friendly safe space to explore our lives through the beautiful and magical cards of the Tarot. We have space to explore the cards which reflect our lives and connect with a ‘card of the month’. Sometimes we get creative with the Tarot, too. Feel free to come along to every session or come less often: we have a flexible drop-in approach.

If you have your own tarot deck, please bring it with you. (If not, we will have some decks available for you to use.)




Stephen McCabe (he/him), I am an eco-therapy practitioner, a qualified and registered counsellor and an ordained Zen Buddhist living in Midlothian. I have been reading tarot for around 20 years and I incorporate the cards into my work in many ways. For me, tarot is a profound spiritual teacher who speaks through image. You can find out more about my work at www.naturetherapyonline.net


Last few words on donations:


To donate:
  • bring cash on the evening, or  
  • donate online on  www.salisburycentre.org/donate  (using “Tarot” as REFERENCE).  
  • pay with card at the front door, please add a reference (eg. Tarot) using the pen icon top right on the pay-point screen 

Participation in our community-led events is on a voluntary ‘by donation’ basis. This means that nobody is expected to make a payment if they cannot afford to do so. However any donations received will be shared between the Centre and the facilitator, helping to make the events’ programme sustainable as well as to provide some reciprocity towards community facilitators’ time and skills offered.

Where a “suggested donation” is listed, this is just an indication of what the event might cost if it was ticketed – it is fine to donate less (or nothing at all). Yet if you can afford to and find value in the Salisbury Centre’s offerings , please consider ‘paying it forward’ by donating a bit extra helping to keep it possible for everyone to take part, whatever their circumstances.

If you sign up for a course that carries on over several weeks or months, whatever you’re contribution, please show your commitment by attending or letting the facilitator know when you’re not able to attend. Facilitators may decide to cancel a meeting if in their view there’s insufficient participation to make it worthwhile. Participants will be notified.
