4 Sessions, monthly, starting Sunday 26th February
This event is part of The Salisbury Centre 50th anniversary programme & is supported by the EICSP (Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace), Scottish Charity SCO38996
The roots & origins of the Salisbury Centre include a connection with Universal Sufism, the Centre having been founded by a group of young people some of which were following a spiritual path of the mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan. His teachings, also known as the Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty, were brought by him to the west in the early part of the 20th century.
Fateah Alice Saunders is an initiate in one of the Sufi streams emanating from Hazrat Inayat Khan and has been active in Edinburgh and elsewhere for many years in sharing teachings, stories, spiritual practices and chants from this tradition.
This series of sessions will provide a glimpse into these teachings in a meditative way, with experiential spiritual practices and
chanting included.
Everyone is welcome, though some familiarity with meditation will be assumed.
Each session will stand alone but following the whole course of 4 sessions is encouraged.
Dates: Last Sunday of the month starting February
Time: 3.00pm to 4.30pm
Venue: Wellspring room @ the Salisbury Centre
Cost: By donation (to the Salisbury Centre). To donate please visit www.salisburycentre.org/donate
Further information: email alicefateah@btinternet.com
About Alice Fateah:
My relationship to the Salisbury Centre: While living in Dorset in the late 1990’s, I was invited to Edinburgh for a w/e by a Scottish friend. She had persuaded the Salisbury Centre community to invite me to lead a session of Dances of Universal Peace (DUP). Having received recognition as a teacher by the International Network for the Dances of Universal Peace in 1995, I was thrilled and excited by this invitation. That Saturday evening it was a privilege indeed to share DUP with 18 others, dancing in the lovely space and atmosphere of the studio.
Little did I know that I was shortly to be moving to Edinburgh (in June 1999) and would be involved with the Salisbury Centre for the next 20-plus years! This involvement, a privilege and a pleasure for me, has been mainly in leading Dances of Universal Peace, offering a weekly ‘Sufi Healing Hour’, membership of the Spiritual Integrity Committee, and facilitating one of the weekly evening silent meditations.