07572684577 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB
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Practices from the Yogic Path with Dada Da’naviira


Join us for an afternoon of learning with Dada Da’naviira as he shares with us yogic practices for mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

The yogic path offers much more than just postures (asanas), it also offers a holistic range of practices which can bring our whole lives into alignment. In the session, we will explore yogic meditation, the practice of mantra singing, yogic dance, and sattvic cooking.
We will cook and eat a plant-based meal together, learning about the sattvic diet for steadying the mind and keeping the body healthy.
Dada Da’naviira is a monk from Ananda Marga, a global yoga spiritual organization. He will be visiting Edinburgh and sharing some of his knowledge and wisdom of the yogic path.
There are limited spaces, so please book a ticket.
To book click here.

There is a cost of £5 to cover room hire and food costs.