07572684577 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB
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Open Seed Library Meet-up & Gardening


In the hope to contribute to building a resilient and (bio)diverse community hub, we started the Salisbury Centre Seed Library Project in April 2021. Over the next 8 months we will continue building our physical seed library to store and share open-pollinated seeds with the community, organise seed swaps and seed sharing circles, offer opportunities to grow food, learn together and harvest seeds in our garden, as well as running community events and workshops to creatively explore the horticultural, environmental, personal, social and political aspects of seeds and seed-saving.

Open seed library meet-ups and gardening sessions are:

  • Fridays 2:30-4pm

…all levels of experience are very welcome.

If you’d like to join, feel free to get in touch with Hannah, the Seed Library Project Coordinator at hannah@salisburycentre.org

Would you like to be more deeply involved and take on the role of Seed Library Volunteer?

Have a look at the role description here (LINK)
