When: Mondays, 13:30-15:00 (weekly – starting 29th Jan)
How to attend: To book email Hilary: hjoya@myyahoo.com
Important Note about Attendance: Via email attendees will be asked to confirm that they are an adult, not in therapy, not suicidal and has not been currenly diagnosed with a mental health condition deemed serious. For these applicants a Dr/Psychology/EFT referal can be suggested.
Suggested donation: £0/£5/£10 (please find more information about donation and how donate at the end of this page)
Room: Art Room
Accessibility: Art Room is located on the ground floor and it is fully accessible. Studio is not accessible yet. The Salisbury Centre’s kitchen door and toilet are now wheelchair accessible. The Garden can also be accessed by wheelchairs via a movable ramp via the Art Room Annex.
This event is a practical session to give participants the experience of how EFT tapping can help our health and well-being.
These events will begin by the facillitator introducing herself briefly and going over the health & safety infomation for the venue.
The facilitator will also ask that participants respect each others privacy and hence no recording nor
photographs are allowed.
By attending, group members agree to maintain this collective experience as private. In other words, what happens in the session is not to be discussed outside the group.There will then be the opportunity for each participant to give their real or nick name and a brief
reason for coming. This is a choice, not a requirement. Safety and comfort being vital, the demonstration of the tapping points will be shown using a silent happy memory of feeling physically well – chosen by each person as their memory. Several repeat rounds of tapping will follow to establish this “anchor” to a happy memory.
Once this is done, the set up statement will be demonstrated taking a minor physical issue offered by one participant or by the facilitator. Each person will be asked to identify and rate their own minor physical issue in terms of what they are feeling right now (ie awareness, irritation, discomfort, pain) using a SUD’s scale (ie 0 – 10) and to memerise or write this down.
Minor physical issues might include: skin/rash irritation, joint pain, light headaches, a small recent bruise from a non-violent cause, stomach ache, a twisted ankle etc. Rounds of tapping the points will start using the “example” minor physical issue while people think about their own minor issue. After 4/5 tapping round there will be a deep breath/pause; then each person will be asked to re-rate how they feel on the SUD’s 0-10 scale.
Three outcomes are possible:
In the first case we keep tapping; in the second & third it means something has changed and we also keep tapping until the feeling comes down to 0 or near 0 for everyone.
Anyone who wants to pause through the exercise can do so. The leader will be watching for distress of any kind and will continue encouraging that one person to tap until their feeling has calmed. Typically, people laugh, cry, want to run away, get angry or space out. All reactions are normal.
Yet, if many people demonstrate this together the facilitator will re-establish the anchor we practiced at the start.
We can then discuss what happened and either restart, chose another issue or stop the session. However, I recommend that no-one leaves without feeling completely fine. Explanation of the science behind EFT tapping can be offered as a presentation later (if required). All participant will register by email and be sent a leaflet before they attend. Each event will be unique, but will cover the same process. Hence, a person can come once only or several times if there are places available.
I’m a retired Consultant Physiotherapist & previous specialist in Orthopaedics/sports injury/trauma for 40 years. I continue working as a EFT practitioner. I have a BSc in ergonomics and sociology (Aston) and a PhD from the Rehabilitation Studies Unit at the University of Edinburgh.
I discovered EFT in 2006 and used it for my own self care. After training in Edinburgh as an EFT practitioner in 2012, I introduced EFT into my practice as a physiotherapist in Kenya. In 2012 I self published an illustrated children’s book about ‘patting’ called, ‘I Still Love Me’ (ISBN 978-178035-461-3). The Kiswahili version, called ‘Ninajipenda’ (I Love Me), was published by storymoja in September 2013 and was approved for government schools by the Kenya Institute for Curriculum Development (KICD) in 2014.
After the 2013 Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi, I volunteered help to over 100 people affected by the tragedy.
I became an Accredited Certified Advanced EFT practitioner in June 2014. My focus is to help clinicians and teachers continue to provide service to others by showing them EFT self help strategies for their own stress; working with people with PTSD & trauma; and spreading the use of EFT & TTT in schools and the community
About Donations or Tiered ticketing system
Participation in our community-led events is often on a voluntary ‘by donation’ basis or based on a 3 tiers system. This means that nobody is expected to make a payment if they cannot afford to do so. However any donations received will be shared between the Centre and the facilitator, helping to make the events’ programme sustainable as well as to provide some reciprocity towards community facilitators’ time and skills offered.
Where a “suggested donation” is listed, this is just an indication of what the event might cost if it was ticketed – it is fine to donate less (or nothing at all). Donating is one way to show your appreciation for the value of the Salisbury Centre. Please consider ‘paying it forward’ by donating a bit extra helping to keep it possible for everyone to take part, whatever their circumstances.
An invitation to practice ‘Dana’ (generosity) – please pay only what you can afford to attend.