07572684577 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB
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Event Series Event Series: Edinburgh Qigong Classes

Edinburgh Qigong Classes

Edinburgh Qigong Classes


As we move from the dark winter months to the longer days of Spring join us in a set of eight weekly one hour Saturday morning (10.45-11.45) or Thursday evening (6.30-7.30) drop-in classes at the Salisbury Centre.
We will learn and practice the gentle, rhythmic movements and exercises of Zhineng Qigong, a form developed by Dr Pang Ming specifically to help restore and increase the health and well-being of body and mind.

£10.00 per class or
£35.00 for any four classes
£65.00 for all eight

To book your place or for more details
call text or email Chris at:
Mobile. 07760665597
Email: chriscatcune21@yahoo.com


The classes are run by Chris Watkins a qualified Zhineng Qigong Teacher who has been practicing Qigong for over 30 years.
Working with our breath, physical movement and intent the classes will concentrate on increasing the suppleness and flexibility of our spine and pelvis encouraging our energy
to flow freely throughout our bodies whilst helping to restore our natural sense of stillness and balance.

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