07572684577 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB
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Event Series Event Series: Dance of Universal Peace

Dance of Universal Peace

Every 1st  Tuesday of the Month  (19:00 – 20:30) – Starting 7th February 


Let’s dance, sing, pray and celebrate life together!

Dances of Universal Peace are circle dances including simple movements and chants. It is a spiritual practice rooted in the Sufi tradition but including and touching on all the spiritual paths and religions. We come together, pray, rise the energy and create peace, harmony and healing within us and all around us. Come and let your heart be opened and your soul be nourished.

Through sharing this meditative yet celebratory body prayer we want to create a sense of joyful oneness.

All welcome – all ages, abilities, experiences and personal beliefs are accepted and included.

Founded in the late 1960’s by Samuel Lewis the Dances were inspired by his Sufi teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan who brought Sufism to the West and Ruth St Dennis, an American feminist pioneer of sacred dance. Samuel Lewis studied many of the worlds traditions. Being born into a jewish family he became a practitioner of Zen Buddhism and Zen Roshi, a student of Papa Ram Dass and Hazrat Inayat Khan. He also taught Christian mysticism.


About the facilitator: Alina

I was blessed by growing up with the Dances and being born into the world of Sufism as a daughter of a dance leader on a Sufi and spiritual path. One of my favourite memories is waking up in the morning, walking into my mums room and sitting in her lap while she was meditating. When I turned 15 I started walking on my own spiritual path, turning inwards and working with my inner parts, healing and opening my heart to the universe. I started leading Dances of Universal Peace a few years later at the age of 20 and have since been leading at camps in New Zealand, India, Czech Republic and England. I am also trained in the Schlaffhorst-Andersen method for respiration, voice and speech therapy.


To register and book a spot please email alina.gote@icloud.com.

Suggested donation is £5-£10 – Donations support the Salisbury Centre and facilitator yet nobody will be turned away if funding is difficult for you.

You can donate in cash on the day or online via : www.salisburycentre.org/donate
