07572684577 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB
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Event Series Event Series: Community Co-Working Space

Community Co-Working Space

Community Co-Working Space (Cancelled for 6th May)

When: Mondays 09:00-13:00
Where: Library


How to book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-co-working-space-tickets-872402297757?aff=oddtdtcreator

The Salisbury Centre’s kitchen door and toilet are now wheelchair accessible. The Garden can also be accessed by wheelchairs via a movable ramp via the Art Room Annex.

Community Co-working Space

Whether you’re a freelancer, business owner, a remote employee, or just need to do some life admin – isn’t it nice to work alongside other people in your community?

The Salisbury Centre Library is now open to make this possible. Each Monday from 9am-1pm, we’re inviting you for a focused work session. While every person is working on their own thing, our energies add up and it becomes much easier to do the things you’ve been postponing!

You’re welcome to help yourself to tea and coffee in the communal kitchen.

If you want to come, book your space via Eventbrite. Because the Library is quite small, we’re only able to host six people at a time.

Suggested donation is: £2-3. It’s a price of a coffee (cheap one!) if you’d be doing your work from a coffee shop. Come and support your favourite community hub instead!


About Donations:

Participation in our community-led events is often on a voluntary ‘by donation’ basis. This means that nobody is expected to make a payment if they cannot afford to do so. However, any donations received for this event will be for the Centre, helping to make the events’ programme sustainable.

Where a “suggested donation” is listed, this is just an indication of what the event might cost if it was ticketed – it is fine to donate less (or nothing at all). Donating is one way to show your appreciation for the value of the Salisbury Centre. Please consider ‘paying it forward’ by donating a bit extra if you can afford, helping to keep it possible for everyone to take part, regardless of their circumstances.

To donate:

  • bring cash
  • donate online on  www.salisburycentre.org/donate. Please use reference “EVENT NAME” when submitting
  • card payment option available at the entrance hall next to the notice board. Please enter the event’s name as reference

This is an invitation to practice ‘Dana’ (generosity) – please pay only what you can afford to attend.