07572684577 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB
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Event Series Event Series: Circle Dancing

Circle Dancing


Fridays 14:00 – 16:00

How to attend:

Contact Kate for further info and to book a place: 07523 466657,  auntynana@googlemail.com

Drop-ins welcome.


Studio / occasionally Art Room


Studio is not accessible yet, Art Room is located on the ground floor and it is fully accessible. The Salisbury Centre’s kitchen door and toilet are now wheelchair accessible. The Garden can also be accessed by wheelchairs via a movable ramp via the Art Room Annex.  If you have any accessibility requirement please email Kate to check what room a specific session will take place in

Suggested donation:

£6 – £10


About Circle Dancing:

Circle Dancing is a mix of gentle, reflective and more lively dances which are danced to wonderful pieces of music from around the world. Some dances are traditional and others choreographed. The dances can be adapted to suit individual requirements.

We often dance holding hands – feeling connected with our neighbour and allowing the energy of the dance to be felt by all. We usually dance in the studio, occasionally in the art room and weather permitting the garden (access to studio is by approximately 12 stairs).

More about Circle Dancing for All movement: https://circledancingforall.org.uk/


About Kate Daly:

I have been circle dancing for approximately 16 years and teaching this lovely form of dance for approximately 10 years on completion of two training courses.


About donations: 

Participation in our community-led events is on a voluntary ‘by donation’ basis. This means that nobody is expected to make a payment if they cannot afford to do so.

Any donations received will be shared between the Centre and the facilitator, helping to make the events’ programme sustainable as well as to provide some reciprocity towards community facilitators’ time and skills offered.

Where a “suggested donation” is listed, this is just an indication of what the event might cost if it was ticketed.

This is an invitation to practice ‘Dana’ (generosity) – please pay only what you can afford to attend.

To donate:

  • bring cash
  • donate online on  www.salisburycentre.org/donate  (Please use reference “EVENT NAME“).
  • Card payment option available at the entrance hall (Please enter the event name before making payment)

Art Room
